Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Calcium and Magnesium For High Blood Pressure

By Alvin Hopkinson

Calcium and magnesium are both essential minerals that the body needs. They are two of the minerals contained in each of the body cells, hence calcium and magnesium can contribute to the occurrence of high blood pressure.

Calcium is needed in the integration of cell membrane. However, when taken in excess amounts, the muscle cells tend to tighten thereby constricting the arterioles and capillaries resulting to increase in blood pressure.

In similar manner, magnesium is required for muscle contractions and the proper level of potassium-sodium-calcium ratio of the body. Henceforth, imbalances in calcium and magnesium levels can trigger high blood pressure.

On a daily basis, the body needs at least 800 milligrams of calcium for healthier bones, muscles, teeth and nerve function, to name only a few uses. According to some health professionals, women require as much as 1,500 milligrams.

The 800 milligrams of calcium is equivalent to an oversized pill and scientifically described as a macromineral. This is contrary to magnesium where the average daily requirement is even smaller than the dot in the letter "i".

Milk and dairy products are good sources of calcium accounting for 40 percent of our daily requirement. In order to complement the 800 milligrams of calcium, it is equivalent to a requirement of about three glasses of milk while the 1,500 milligrams is around five glasses, more or less.

Other acceptable sources of calcium are green vegetables like spinach and broccoli. However, cheese is considered as not acceptable because of its sodium content. The 800 milligrams is equivalent to eight stalks of broccoli and 25 ounces of spinach wherein you will have a hard time consuming. For that, Americans would rather resort to calcium supplements.

The cell membrane loses its integrity if there is no sufficient calcium level. Lack of calcium allows the absorption of sodium and release of potassium. If there will be excess sodium, it will excrete more calcium which will require an additional push in the pressure of blood, which in turn causes high blood pressure. All owing to the constriction of the arterioles and capillaries.

Just like calcium, magnesium is also scientifically described as a macromineral. The body needs around 400 milligrams on a daily basis. Sources of which are the well-loved meat, milk and vegetables. According to surveys, people get 50 percent of the daily requirement from these sources.

Magnesium causes the muscles to relax or become tense if proper member integration is not attained. Also, renin, a hormone which allows sodium absorption will emerge when magnesium is not sufficient, causing an imbalance which will elevate the blood pressure.

How much is the necessary dietary calcium and magnesium to prevent high blood pressure?

Actually, there is no dietary calcium and magnesium level in preventing high blood pressure. This is due to the proportional relationship of potassium, sodium and magnesium to one another, whereas magnesium is responsible for the absorption of calcium.

Calcium and magnesium supplements are readily available to fill in any gap. Checkout the orange juices that are fortified with calcium and potassium for sale in the market. All you have to do is read on the label of some products prepared by food technologies, as a ready reference for your calcium and magnesium needs.

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading health researcher in the area of natural remedies and   high blood pressure treatment. Discover how you can get rid of your high blood pressure for good using proven and effective home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit his site now at http://www.minusbloodpressure.com

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Calcium-and-Magnesium-For-High-Blood-Pressure&id=2188829] Calcium and Magnesium For High Blood Pressure