Saturday, August 27, 2011

Coconut: The Saturated Fat You Should Be Eating

By Stephanie Leach

If you follow nutrition at all, no doubt you've read, seen or heard something in recent months about the health benefits of coconut, one of the only saturated fats that's actually good for you! Although the fat from coconut is considered to be saturated, it's actually about 50 percent lauric acid in content, which is easily metabolized and absorbed by the body, and produces instant energy.

Many local supermarkets are starting to feature displays of coconut water and coconut milk; some coffee houses and kiosks also offer cans of this delicious liquid. This article will examine some of the more current information on the health benefits of coconut, in its various forms.

Antibacterial Properties

A potent anti-fungal and antibacterial agent, coconut has been shown to be extremely beneficial in healing and soothing digestive problems, as well as boosting the immune system so people taking it experience fewer colds and flu.

Metabolic and Weight Loss Benefits

Among other health benefits of coconut, studies have shown that the consumption of coconut can boost thyroid function by as much as twenty percent, leading to more efficient metabolism, balance and energy production in the body.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is readily available in most health food stores, and is an excellent cooking oil. Olive oil doesn't retain all its benefits when heated to high temperatures, but coconut oil does. You'll find varying grades of this wonderful oil, including Extra Virgin. In addition to being a great cooking oil, here are just a few additional benefits and uses:

Stress relief
Skin care
Hair care
Weight loss
Proper digestion

Coconut oil has also been shown to aid individuals with heart problems, diabetes, kidney ailments, blood pressure, dental conditions and much more!

Coconut Water

When it comes to listing the health benefits of coconut, coconut water is definitely a multi-tasker!

Coconut water surpasses whole milk in its nutrition content; additionally it has no cholesterol and less fat.
Natural isotonic drink - it has the same level as human blood. In fact, its structure is identical to blood plasma.

Coconut Meat

An outstanding source of fiber, coconut meat is comprised of the good types of fats, primarily three - lauric acid, caprylic acid, and capric acid. Coconut meat has been shown to be effective in eliminating candida, gently getting rid of other types of parasites and balancing blood sugar and regulating insulin levels. It can also do wonders in helping promote regular, healthy bowel activity.

So while coconut is delicious in foods and drinks like coconut cream pie and pina coladas, we now have added reasons to enjoy this healthy saturated fat. Eat it, drink it and be healthy!

Stephanie Leach is founder and CEO of, a site dedicated to helping families take control of their health by providing actionable nutrition and health information, resources and motivation. Register for a Free Membership and download a free weekly dinner menu with delicious, healthy and easy-to-prepare recipes at

Article Source:  Coconut: The Saturated Fat You Should Be Eating