Thursday, November 3, 2011

Grape Seed Extract: Cancer Prevention Super Supplement?

By Ethan Evers

If you have been looking for a "super supplement" to reduce cancer risk, recent research suggests that grape seed extract just might be it. Three new studies published this year have shown that this supplement may profoundly reduce the risk of at least three major cancers: skin cancer (SCC), prostate cancer and hematologic cancers. This list is likely to expand as ongoing lab research is pointing to a protective role against several other cancers as well.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) - 74% Risk Reduction
SCC is the second leading type of skin cancer after basal cell carcinoma, (the next most frequent being melanoma). Previous lab studies with mice showed that grape seed extract applied topically actually reduced skin damage when the mice were exposed to UV light, and implied a cancer-protective effect. But direct evidence in humans was only provided recently, by a case-control study carried out in northern California on 830 participants. The study found that users of this supplement had a 74% reduced risk of developing SCC. Multivitamin users also experienced 29% reduced risk of SCC, but this was considered to be borderline significant by the researchers. Other supplements taken by the participants included vitamins A, C, D, and E, none of which had a significant effect of SCC risk. It is interesting that some sunblock lotions are now formulated with grape seed oil, but you can't assume this will protect you. The protective effect in this study came only with taking the supplement orally.

Prostate Cancer - 62% Risk Reduction
As with skin cancer, numerous laboratory studies have shown for years that grape seed extract directly induced programmed cell death of prostate cancer cells and also inhibited their growth via several pathways. The question always remained, however, if grape seed extract would be effective in suppressing prostate cancer in human patients. The answer appears to be 'yes' according to a very large study published recently. This study was conducted in Washington State on 35,239 men, and started in year 2000. It is known as the VITamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) cohort. The participants were aged 50-76 years, and all answered questionnaires about specialty supplement use for the 10 years prior to the start of the study. Of all the supplements taken, grape seen extract was by far the winner for protecting against prostate cancer. Men who reported using an individual grape seed extract supplement with "high average use" over 10 years saw a 62% reduction of prostate cancer risk compared to non-users, while "average users" saw a 41% risk reduction. Unfortunately, the dosage levels being used were not reported.

Hematologic Cancers - 43% Risk Reduction
Hematologic cancers include leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Several studies in the lab have already shown that grape seed extract can kill several lines of cultured human leukemia cells, however no studies were done yet on myeloma or lymphoma. This study also drew on the same VITAL cohort as above, but also included women in the analysis, which brought the population up to 66,227 participants. Those who had "ever used" grape seed supplements saw a 43% risk reduction for hematologic cancers. This was only matched by those with a high use of garlic, who saw a 47% reduction of risk. No other supplements offered significant protection.

Other cancers may soon be added to the list as research continues. Just as with the above cancers, early lab-scale research has already shown that grape seed extract can kill breast cancer, colon cancer, gioblastoma, and NSC lung cancer cells. The ultimate test of effectiveness in fighting cancer will come from clinical trials, and the above results are so recent there has not been time to initiate such trials. That's not the case with breast cancer, however. Grape seed extract has been known as natural aromatase inhibiter for years, which makes it a logical choice to test against breast cancer. A Phase I clinical trial at the Mayo Clinic to test the effect of 200 mg - 800 mg daily dose on the estrogen levels in postmenopausal women has recently been concluded and should soon produce results. Until then, it is worthy to note that women in the VITAL cohort were indeed already assessed for breast cancer risk versus grape seed extract use. Although the supplement seemed to provide a 20% risk reduction for breast cancer, the researchers deemed the effect non-significant statistically. Ultimately we must wait for clinical trials to prove the effectiveness of this supplement in preventing and perhaps even treating the cancers mentioned above. But until then, the findings to date make a compelling case for including grape seed extract in any program or supplement regimen meant to reduce cancer risk.

About the Author
Ethan Evers holds a PhD in Applied Science and is author of the award-winning medical thriller "The Eden Prescription," in which Big Pharma races to squash an all-natural treatment for cancer when it starts outperforming their latest billion-dollar chemo drug. Ethan based The Eden Prescription on the latest science in natural medicine for cancer.
The Eden Prescription is available on amazon:
Ethan is on Facebook:
Article Source: [] Grape Seed Extract: Cancer Prevention Super Supplement?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Omega-3 Supplements Protect Against Pancreatic Cancer

By Dr. Yannick Pauli

Pancreatic cancer is not as well-publicized as breast cancer, perhaps because of its rare occurrence. Yet it is considered among the most deadly of cancers because of its aggressive nature.  Pancreatic cancer spreads quickly, has no noticeable symptoms at the early stages, and is not detected until its late stages.  Patients suffering from this disease also have very few treatment options to choose from. Despite these grim facts, there is good news - research shows that omega-3 supplements together with vitamins C and E lower the risk of pancreatic cancer.  Conversely, a diet high in saturated fats increases the chances of contracting this deadly disease.

Researchers from the University of California San Francisco looked at nutritional data from 532 pancreatic patients and compared this with data from 1,701 patients without cancer.  They observed that individuals who had high amounts of saturated fats in their diet had a 60% increased risk of getting pancreatic cancer. Other fatty acids like oleic monosaturated fatty acids, linolenic acid, and palmitoleic was also associated with increased cancer risk.  However, patients who consumed at least 850 mg of fish oil pills containing docosahexanoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) a day had a 53% reduced risk of pancreatic cancer, compared to patients who only consumed 330 mg and 580 mg a day.  The risk for cancer was even lower among patients who consumed healthy amounts of vitamin C and vitamin E supplements daily.

When asked about the mechanisms of action, the study authors believe that the antioxidant effects of vitamins C and E may be at work.  Previous research has shown that these vitamins have anticarcinogenic effects - they reduce oxidative stress and suppress reactive oxygen species, thereby preventing any cancer-causing mutations from taking place. Their protective effects on the pancreas may also be due to their ability to boost immune function.

Although the researchers are still not clear about the role of DHA and EPA in pancreatic cancer protection, they did observe that pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids increase the production of bile acids.  This contributes to the bile reflux in pancreas, a risk factor for cancer formation.  Omega-3 supplements have anti-inflammatory effects, which suppress the effects of omega-6 fats and protect the pancreas from bile reflux.

The study, which is published in the International Journal of Cancer, is the first to discover preventive measures against pancreatic cancer. Previous research suggests that pancreatic cancer may also be prevented by limiting alcohol intake and avoiding cigarette smoke.

Dr. Yannick Pauli is a Swiss natural health expert and the author of The Healing Power of Omega-3s. To get your free copy of this e-book or watch educational videos (no sign-up required!), visit his site Omega 3 Fish Oil Vitamins.

Article Source: Omega-3 Supplements Protect Against Pancreatic Cancer

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Coconut: The Saturated Fat You Should Be Eating

By Stephanie Leach

If you follow nutrition at all, no doubt you've read, seen or heard something in recent months about the health benefits of coconut, one of the only saturated fats that's actually good for you! Although the fat from coconut is considered to be saturated, it's actually about 50 percent lauric acid in content, which is easily metabolized and absorbed by the body, and produces instant energy.

Many local supermarkets are starting to feature displays of coconut water and coconut milk; some coffee houses and kiosks also offer cans of this delicious liquid. This article will examine some of the more current information on the health benefits of coconut, in its various forms.

Antibacterial Properties

A potent anti-fungal and antibacterial agent, coconut has been shown to be extremely beneficial in healing and soothing digestive problems, as well as boosting the immune system so people taking it experience fewer colds and flu.

Metabolic and Weight Loss Benefits

Among other health benefits of coconut, studies have shown that the consumption of coconut can boost thyroid function by as much as twenty percent, leading to more efficient metabolism, balance and energy production in the body.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is readily available in most health food stores, and is an excellent cooking oil. Olive oil doesn't retain all its benefits when heated to high temperatures, but coconut oil does. You'll find varying grades of this wonderful oil, including Extra Virgin. In addition to being a great cooking oil, here are just a few additional benefits and uses:

Stress relief
Skin care
Hair care
Weight loss
Proper digestion

Coconut oil has also been shown to aid individuals with heart problems, diabetes, kidney ailments, blood pressure, dental conditions and much more!

Coconut Water

When it comes to listing the health benefits of coconut, coconut water is definitely a multi-tasker!

Coconut water surpasses whole milk in its nutrition content; additionally it has no cholesterol and less fat.
Natural isotonic drink - it has the same level as human blood. In fact, its structure is identical to blood plasma.

Coconut Meat

An outstanding source of fiber, coconut meat is comprised of the good types of fats, primarily three - lauric acid, caprylic acid, and capric acid. Coconut meat has been shown to be effective in eliminating candida, gently getting rid of other types of parasites and balancing blood sugar and regulating insulin levels. It can also do wonders in helping promote regular, healthy bowel activity.

So while coconut is delicious in foods and drinks like coconut cream pie and pina coladas, we now have added reasons to enjoy this healthy saturated fat. Eat it, drink it and be healthy!

Stephanie Leach is founder and CEO of, a site dedicated to helping families take control of their health by providing actionable nutrition and health information, resources and motivation. Register for a Free Membership and download a free weekly dinner menu with delicious, healthy and easy-to-prepare recipes at

Article Source:  Coconut: The Saturated Fat You Should Be Eating

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Natural Cancer Cures for Skin Cancer Do Exist

By Boro Petric

Did you know that skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in humans? It's true. Over the past few decades, occurrences of skin cancer have continued to rise with no end in sight.

Typically those who are exposed to the sun unprotected for extended periods of time are the most at risk of developing skin cancer. And despite popular belief, skin cancer doesn't just affect those with fair skin - everyone is susceptible no matter what skin tone they have. Fortunately, there are a number of natural cancer cures available, but first you must be aware of the signs of skin cancer.

Warning Signs of Skin Cancer

One of the first signs of skin cancer to manifest are changes in the normal appearance of your skin. These changes typically include new growths or sores, which do not heal normally over time. For example, you may experience shiny bumps on the neck or face, or flat lesions on the back or chest, which may be brown or fleshy in color. They can also appear as lesions that are scaly or crusty on the surface. In addition, moles with irregular borders that have red, blue or white spots or that bleed may be another sign of skin cancer.

But what should you do if you discover the signs of skin cancer?

Treatments and Natural Cancer Cures

By the time I had turned 25, I had between 8 and 10 different birthmarks that had gone bad. I was particularly susceptible because of my fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes. Fortunately, thanks to a variety of natural treatments, I am now healthier than ever and no longer have to worry about skin cancer. How is this possible? Read on.

Recent studies have discovered that lesions associated with skin cancer are most likely viral in nature. In order to counteract these lesions and cure skin cancer, you should incorporate the following natural remedies into your treatment plan. If you do, you should experience a 100% cure rate assuming that the lesions have not already spread to other areas of the body.

These natural cancer cures include:

Oxygen Therapy - this form of therapy will produce neutron bombs that are extremely powerful, and are very effective at destroying fungi and viruses, including those responsible for skin cancer. To learn more about oxygen therapy, consult Ed Mccabe's book entitled Flood Your Body with Oxygen, which is an excellent resource for treating a wide variety of diseases.
Aloe Vera Gel containing MSM - this gel can be applied topically each night, resulting in an acceleration of the skin's natural ability to heal itself. This is possible because aloe vera has been proven to be a powerful detoxifier with potent anti-cancer properties.
NCD Liquid Zeolites - this topical remedy is also extremely effective in treating skin cancer because it has the ability to not only halt the growth of tumors, but also destroy them as well.

Other topical treatments that deserve attention are the use of coconut oil, transdermal magnesium therapy combined with iodine therapy.

The world-renowned oncologist Dr. Tullio Simoncini made the following statement about iodine: "Every tumor of the skin can be completely removed with Iodine Tincture 7%, brushed many times (10-20) per day. When the crust is formed, don't take it away, but treat the area continuously and wait till it falls without any other intervention except the Iodine tincture. When the crust falls down the third time, the patient is healed."

The Diet Aspect

Avoid all inorganic foods. Excessive protein will cause a build up of toxins and ultimately cause metabolic imbalances. Stay away from meat products and synthetic foods. A pure 100% organic vegetarian diet must be used, high in vitamins A, C and E. Most of the food should be raw, especially fruits, green leafy vegetables and sprouts. Proteins must come in the form of seeds and nuts. Almonds are excellent; others are sesame and sunflower seeds. Use high potassium foods. Cancer cells cannot live in a high potassium environment. Use only cold-pressed oils.

More Articles You (Don't Want to) Miss --> natural cancer cure

About Boro Petric

Boro Petric is a highly-acclaimed, Swiss-born Longevity Strategist. He is a pioneer in bridging the body, mind, and Consciousness together through a powerful connection known as Super Health. As the creator of the LongevityMaxX Super Health Program, he has helped hundreds of people around the world achieve lifelong vitality. The remarkable and inspiring story of Boro's own personal healing journey has made him one of the world's foremost authorities on Longevity.

Meet Boro at

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Natural Cancer Cures for Skin Cancer Do Exist

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

10 Ways to Stop Feeding Cancer Cells and Start Cleansing Your Body

By Jackie Roberge
Let's look at the characteristics of the highly toxic internal environment cancer cells thrive in. They process energy anaerobically, so they like a low oxygen, highly acidic terrain. They also use the inflammation process to build new blood vessels and expand their territory. Finally, they feed off of sugar and require a lot of it to fuel the development of a tumor. So how can we cleanse the body of toxins and stop creating an ideal environment for cancer cell growth?

First we have to understand why the body has created a toxic environment. The human body is an incredibly intelligent and agile machine. It is constantly adapting to our outer world, our emotions and what we feed it. An essential function of the body is the constant flushing out of toxins, metabolic waste, by-products of the food we eat and dead cells.
Everyday, a healthy body gets rid of upwards of 30 billion cells, of which approximately 1% are cancer cells. Generally the process is quite efficient but problems arise when there is congestion somewhere in the body. Cancer cell growth is fostered when there is serious inner congestion. When too much congestion or serious blockages (constipation, tension etc.) exist, waste products start to accumulate and ferment and create more dangerous toxins to eliminate. This, combined with the toxins we ingest or breath in, can become too much for the body to keep up with and the environment becomes contaminated (low oxygen, acidic etc.).
Another aspect of feeding the growth of cancer cells is inflammation. Research has shown that the more local inflammation cancer cells can leverage to create new blood vessels, the more aggressive the tumor and more likely it is to spread. So let's look at how to help clean up the internal environment and starve the cancer cells.

10 ways to cut off cancer cells lifeline and de-congest the body:

1. Start each day with a cup of warm lemon water. This helps loosen stool and the fresh lemon actually decreases body acidity and gives you a shot of vitamin C.

2. Add a tablespoon of hemp hearts (they look like small seeds) to your cereal or sprinkle it over some fruit. This is a great way to help keep you regular while giving you a protein and omega 3 boost! Hemp hearts should be available at most health food stores.

3. Avoid sticky, mucus forming foods (at least for a while); including white flour, white rice, eggs, oatmeal.

4. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. Water helps flush out toxins and keeps cells healthier.

5. Eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables everyday - great for bringing more fibre and digestive enyzmes into the system to keep things moving! For salads dressings, avoid store bought dressings which are very acidic - make your own olive oil, apple cider vinegar and honey dressing.

6. Reduce your consumption of meat and avoid processed meats all together. Meat are highly acidic and non-organic meat may contain toxins or hormones.

7. Increase your intake of omega 3's that reduce inflammation - sources include olive oil, fish and fish oils and hemp hearts. Eliminate all trans or hydrogenated fats!

8. Do yoga or light stretching everyday to unblock tense, tight muscles, help you to relax and reduce stress hormones which can accumulate and cause inner congestion.

9. Walk, run, dance or do other weight bearing/cardio exercises in order stimulate circulation, bring in more oxygen and encourage more flow throughout the body. Exercise outdoors to get more fresh air whenever possible.

10. Breath better - flood your body and any cancer cells with oxygen by practicing deep conscious breathing whenever you are waiting - in your car, at the bank, at the hospital. Make a habit of it and you will see how good deep breathing feels!

Bonus: Get to sleep before 10pm - during the hours before midnight much of the vital cleansing and rejuvenating of your body takes place.

Now let's look at cutting down on the 'fertilizer' often made available to cancer cells. In North America our sugar consumption has gone through the roof over the past century and a half (from around 4lbs to 150lbs per year)! Sugar provides tissues with fuel and helps them grow faster. Using scans, doctors can track the areas of the body that consume the most sugar in order to detect where cancer may be present. Sugar also helps increase inflammation in the body. Today we know that too much sugar, even natural sugar, can have very negative effects on the body.

10 ideas to help reduce your sugar intake:

1. Drink more water, less juice and no sodas! For variety, try water with fresh lemon or lime juice.

2. Mix your juice with water or sparkling water to dilute the intensity of the sugar. Drink only 100% juice - no added sugar.

3. Avoid flavored waters and sports drinks that are full of sugar.

4. Try herbal teas that are flavorful (like licorice or cinnamon) so you don't need to add sugar.

5. Have coffee without sugar or reduce your coffee consumption. Caffeine is acidic so lowering consumption also helps regulate your ph levels.

6. Replace sugary breakfast cereals with whole wheat or multi-grain toast and almond butter or fresh fruit with nuts (and hemp hearts!).

7. Replace sweet granola bars and other process snacks with fresh fruit, vegetables and dip or nuts.

8. Limit desserts to special occasions or take very small portions. Replace brownies or milk chocolate with 75%+ dark chocolate - again small portions help avoid creating an acidic environment.

9. Avoid foods and drinks that are high on the glycemic index like white flour, white pasta, chips, beer.

10. Eliminate foods and drinks that contain high fructose corn syrup, which is a modified sugar that the body does not recognize and has a hard time processing. It is an inexpensive sweetener so you will find it in many common prepared or packaged foods (even soup mixes) and especially sweet drinks (ex. Iced tea), baking products and candy.
I suggest you have a look at your diet and identify areas where you can adjust your sugar intake. Try making changes gradually and you may notice as you eat more vegetables and fresh, healthy food your sugar cravings will naturally decrease.

This is a long list of things to consider but more important than any of this is your attitude. Emotions can change our physiology on a dime. Don't be hard on yourself, take one day at a time and simply do what you can each day. If you eat a hamburger and fries one day - enjoy them fully! Congratulate yourself for any progress you make and for your active participation in changing your body's internal environment to help cut off cancer cell fuel.
The remaining two parts of this four-part article will be published under the following headings:

Part 3: Fueling the immune system for deep and lasting healing from cancer

Part 4: The emotional side of the cancer healing equation
Jackie is a Cancer SHIFT coach and creator of the Cancer SHIFT program. She specializes in, and is passionate about, helping empower people with cancer to shift from 'fighting' and struggling with cancer to facilitating deep healing. She helps women who feel stuck in some part of their life, get unblocked, speak their truth and stimulate their own healing process. She is a Meditation Teacher, certified Yoga Teacher and True Purpose Life Coach. She has also pursued studies in several types of meditation, Ayurvedic Medicine, Creative Meditation and Visualization, Reiki, Spiritual Psychotherapy and Psycho-oncology.

To find out more about Cancer SHIFT Coaching courses please visit:

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