Saturday, May 14, 2016

Coconut Oil - Why Is It the Ultimate Skin Essential?

Coconut Oil - Why Is It the Ultimate Skin Essential?
By Enozia Vakil

With an inexhaustible list of benefits linked to its use, coconut oil may just be the new 'superfood' on the block. Several research studies have confirmed the efficiency of this oil in enhancing skin and hair health, and in improving overall health as well.

Top 5 Uses of Coconut Oil

Enhanced Energy Levels

Coconut oil, unlike other oils, is built by medium-chain triglycerides, which explains why, it gets transformed instantly into energy. Quickly gulping down 2 tablespoons of this oil each morning could boost your energy levels by up to 5%.

Stronger Immunity

It is surprising how the simple coconut oil could improve immunity and also protect your body against many disease-causing agents. It contains impressive amounts of lauric acid, which is an effective agent that kills bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi, thereby reducing your chances of getting infected by them significantly.

Improved Brain Function

When digested, the compounds contained in coconut oil get synthesized into ketone bodies, which have a positive effect on the brain and help protect the brain against several disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Better Heart Health

It may sound surprising, but indeed, this oil can actually help reinforce the heart as well as protect you against heart problems. The consumption of this oil has been found to increase the levels of HDL (good) cholesterol and reduce the amounts of LDL (bad) cholesterol, thus reducing triglyceride levels and the accumulation of plaque in the arteries.

Irresistible Skin Benefits

The fact that coconut oil is the most suitable tonic for the skin could be what makes it the most loved natural beauty product these days. You'll find it in lots of moisturizers as well as skin creams, and why not? This oil is an abundant source of vitamin E, which plays a huge role in healing damaged skin, minimizing the appearance of stretch-marks, safeguarding the skin against the harmful UV rays as well as preventing microbial and fungal diseases of your skin.

What Makes Coconut Oil an All-Rounder?

This oil is often identified as the healthiest oil on earth; but what exactly is it that makes this oil so loved?

• It makes for a quick moisturizer- it mildly nourishes the skin and makes it feeling smooth and soft.

• It functions as an efficient diaper rash cream- minus the chemical compounds that you would usually find in a standard rash lotion.

• It makes for an excellent makeup remover.

• It can be used as a supplement for energy.

• Its MCFA and lauric acid content help increase metabolic rate naturally.

• It works the best in keeping the hair in place and also reducing frizziness

• When mixed with granulated sugar, it makes for an excellent body scrub.

• It can repair damaged skin faster, and is most effective in reducing fungal and bacterial infections when applied topically.

• It possesses a high smoke point, which is great for most stir-frys and baked meals.

• It could help improve insulin levels.

• When applied directly onto the skin, it can reduce the appearance of varicose veins.

• It acts as an efficient lubricant without disturbing the normal bacteria of the vagina.

• It might help clear away persistent acne and also reduce the appearance of acne-related marks.

• It can speed up weight loss.

• Consuming this oil may possibly improve sleep.

• When rubbed onto the scalp, it can also encourage hair growth.

• It helps increase the absorption of calcium and magnesium by the body.

How Can I Utilize Coconut Oil?

The best method to utilize this oil would be to attempt to add more of it to your meals. Switch to coconut oil while cooking your food and try replacing simple skincare products with this pure oil.

Following a very simple routine of applying coconut oil on your face right before you go to bed can certainly help keep the skin moisturized and nourished, which will give you that healthy radiance you've always coveted.

You can even try creating your own coconut oil beauty products at home.

There are tons of reasons why you should be choosing coconut oil and making it an integral part of your skin care regimen.

So go ahead and use the best of nature for your skin and body and don't forget to check out these impressive coconut oil beauty products recipes you can re-create in just a few minutes.

Enozia Vakil
Founder- AMR Informatics

Article Source:

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Magnesium Benefits Insomnia, Hot Flashes, Heart Health and Bones

Magnesium Benefits Insomnia, Hot Flashes, Heart Health and Bones
By Jobee Knight

What qualities make magnesium such an essential mineral, required by the body for literally hundreds of its functions? One key feature of magnesium is that it's a partner or "co-factor" with enzymes that allows them to do their work. Enzymes are energized protein molecules that initiate chemical reactions inside the cells - orchestrating life's processes in every organ, gland, tissue and cell.

Research studies are finding that magnesium relaxes muscles and nerves and helps insomnia, hot flashes, heart health, bone strength, diabetes, migraine headaches and more.

According to the Human Nutrition Research Center of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, one of the main symptoms of magnesium deficiency is chronic insomnia, restless sleep and frequent awakenings during the night. In one of their studies, a diet high in magnesium contributed to deeper sleep with fewer interruptions.

Another study from the University of Medical Sciences in Iran was done with 46 adults who were experiencing insomnia. Two magnesium tablets twice a day (250 mg. each) resulted in significant increases in sleep time and reduced cortisol levels in the body, which is a stress hormone that can keep people awake.

Hot flashes and night sweats are common symptoms of premenopause and menopause. Regarding magnesium for menopause, a study was done at the Virginia University Health System. Women who experienced hot flashes many times per week received 400 milligrams of magnesium for 4 weeks -- increasing to 800 milligrams per day if needed. At the end of the study, the magnesium supplements had reduced their frequency of hot flashes by half. Fatigue, sweating, and distress were also significantly reduced.

Magnesium is also magnificent for the heart. In a study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, research scientists examined data from thousands of women over the course of a 26-year follow up period. The women who consumed the highest amounts of magnesium had a 34% reduced risk of sudden cardiac death.

Another study from the journal "Circulation" found that magnesium supplements allow people with heart disease to exercise for longer times and it actually helps repair the ability of blood vessels to open up.

Studies have found that people with migraine headaches have low concentrations of magnesium in their body. The word "cephalalgia" literally means head pain or headache. In a German study of 81 migraine patients published in the journal "Cephalalgia", 42 percent of the people taking oral magnesium reduced both the duration and intensity of their migraine attacks. They also reduced their reliance on medications to control migraines.

Magnesium is a superhero of nutritional supplements.

Jobee Knight is President of Nutrition Breakthroughs. She has written natural health articles and provided effective natural remedies since 2001. These remedies include the natural sleep aids and joint and pain relief products made by Nutrition Breakthroughs

Article Source:,-Hot-Flashes,-Heart-Health-and-Bones&id=9142006

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Aloe Vera: The Wonderful Gift of Mother Nature

Aloe Vera: The Wonderful Gift of Mother Nature
By Samaria Thomas

The plants, leaves, herbs, fruits and various other naturally occurring substances are the power-house of vitamins, mineral & other essential elements. These elements are considered as a must for the nourishment of the body tissues.

One such gift of nature is Aloe Vera. It is basically a herb and is full of various essential elements. This plant is rich in water. In addition to this, it also contains carbon acids, nutrients, vitamins, minerals and several other things. Owing to these elements, this plant is widely used in the manufacturing of various skin care products. These elements help in providing full nourishment to the body tissues.

Some of the most popular products developed using this are discussed here.

Aloe Vera Body Lotion

It is considered as a very powerful antioxidant. Owing to this, it prevents the growth of the bacteria. This eventually results in restraining the spread of the infection inside the body. It's regular use helps in providing complete cure to the body tissues. There are various environmental factors that have an adverse impact on our skin. Some of the most powerful factors are sun rays, pollution & dust. The regular use of Aloe Vera helps in combating the effects caused by these factors.

Aloe Vera as moisturizer

This plant contains more than 75 percent of water. This can be used as the moisturizing agent and is very effective in combating the impressions of the skin. This is very useful in providing complete nourishment to the burned skin cells, thus giving your skin a perfect and youthful look.

For hair care

It contains various elements like minerals & vitamins. Owing to this, it is widely used for the development of various hair care products. Be it oil or moisturizer, it is widely used in the development of several hair care products.

As Mouthwash

It contains tremendous healing power. Owing to this, it is widely used in the manufacturing of the mouthwash. It helps in combating foul smell along with the action of the germs.

In washing wounds

It also works as an antiseptic. In the case of wounds & burns, it is widely used. Owing to its exceptional healing power, it can easily prevent the spread of the infection.


It contains various naturally occurring substances. It helps in providing relief from constipation. It contains more than fifteen acids that help in the controlling the activity of the digestive system.

How to buy these products?

There are several aloe vera product manufacturers that are offering these items. They basically have an in-house production facility where they manufacture their products using fresh ingredients. You can easily buy the preferred product from them.

If you are looking to buy different products from the Aloe Vera Product Manufacturers, then visit Natural Therapy India. Here, you can easily find details of various vendors who are offering their products.

Article Source:

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Live Longer with Exercise

Live Longer With Exercise

Live Longer With Exercise
By Gabe Mirkin, M.D.

Many recent studies show that people die from inactivity, not just from aging. We know that as people age, they lose muscle, their immunities weaken and because of their weakened immunity, they are more likely to die of cancer and infectious diseases. As you age, you lose your ability to kill germs because of lack of muscle. When germs get into your body, you must make white blood cells and proteins called antibodies to kill them. Antibodies and cells are made from protein and the only place that you can store extra protein is in your muscles. When you have large muscles, you have a ready source of protein to make antibodies and cells. When you have small muscles, you have a very limited source of amino acids to make protein, so your immunity may be inadequate for its job of killing germs.

You need antibodies to control cancer cells also. Each day, every healthy body makes millions of cancer cells. Your white blood cells and protein antibodies are necessary to ferret out and kill these cancer cells. You develop cancer when these cancer cells survive and start growing. Having large muscles gives you the source of protein to make antibodies that kill cancer cells as well as germs. Furthermore, when your skeletal muscles are small, so is your heart muscle. A strong heart can withstand arteriosclerosis and infections that can kill a weak heart.

Lack of exercise causes muscles to get smaller. With aging, it takes increasingly longer to recover from exercise. When older people get injured or get tired too soon or feel sore too early, they do less and less or they stop exercising altogether. Instead, they should be exercising more intelligently so they can retain their muscles. A major advantage of competing in sports at any age is that you can learn good training techniques and how to avoid injuries. If you can exercise into your nineties and beyond without quitting or getting injured, you can retain muscle mass, keep up your immunity and live longer and healthier.

Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports at

Free weekly newsletter on fitness, health, and nutrition.

More on Exercise to Delay Aging.

Article Source:,_M.D./21023

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Calcium and Magnesium For High Blood Pressure

By Alvin Hopkinson

Calcium and magnesium are both essential minerals that the body needs. They are two of the minerals contained in each of the body cells, hence calcium and magnesium can contribute to the occurrence of high blood pressure.

Calcium is needed in the integration of cell membrane. However, when taken in excess amounts, the muscle cells tend to tighten thereby constricting the arterioles and capillaries resulting to increase in blood pressure.

In similar manner, magnesium is required for muscle contractions and the proper level of potassium-sodium-calcium ratio of the body. Henceforth, imbalances in calcium and magnesium levels can trigger high blood pressure.

On a daily basis, the body needs at least 800 milligrams of calcium for healthier bones, muscles, teeth and nerve function, to name only a few uses. According to some health professionals, women require as much as 1,500 milligrams.

The 800 milligrams of calcium is equivalent to an oversized pill and scientifically described as a macromineral. This is contrary to magnesium where the average daily requirement is even smaller than the dot in the letter "i".

Milk and dairy products are good sources of calcium accounting for 40 percent of our daily requirement. In order to complement the 800 milligrams of calcium, it is equivalent to a requirement of about three glasses of milk while the 1,500 milligrams is around five glasses, more or less.

Other acceptable sources of calcium are green vegetables like spinach and broccoli. However, cheese is considered as not acceptable because of its sodium content. The 800 milligrams is equivalent to eight stalks of broccoli and 25 ounces of spinach wherein you will have a hard time consuming. For that, Americans would rather resort to calcium supplements.

The cell membrane loses its integrity if there is no sufficient calcium level. Lack of calcium allows the absorption of sodium and release of potassium. If there will be excess sodium, it will excrete more calcium which will require an additional push in the pressure of blood, which in turn causes high blood pressure. All owing to the constriction of the arterioles and capillaries.

Just like calcium, magnesium is also scientifically described as a macromineral. The body needs around 400 milligrams on a daily basis. Sources of which are the well-loved meat, milk and vegetables. According to surveys, people get 50 percent of the daily requirement from these sources.

Magnesium causes the muscles to relax or become tense if proper member integration is not attained. Also, renin, a hormone which allows sodium absorption will emerge when magnesium is not sufficient, causing an imbalance which will elevate the blood pressure.

How much is the necessary dietary calcium and magnesium to prevent high blood pressure?

Actually, there is no dietary calcium and magnesium level in preventing high blood pressure. This is due to the proportional relationship of potassium, sodium and magnesium to one another, whereas magnesium is responsible for the absorption of calcium.

Calcium and magnesium supplements are readily available to fill in any gap. Checkout the orange juices that are fortified with calcium and potassium for sale in the market. All you have to do is read on the label of some products prepared by food technologies, as a ready reference for your calcium and magnesium needs.

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading health researcher in the area of natural remedies and   high blood pressure treatment. Discover how you can get rid of your high blood pressure for good using proven and effective home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit his site now at

Article Source: [] Calcium and Magnesium For High Blood Pressure

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Cancer Prevention - A Lifetime of Exercise and Weight Control

Cancer Prevention - A Lifetime of Exercise and Weight Control

Cancer Prevention - A Lifetime of Exercise and Weight Control
By Judy Ford

Cancer usually starts up to 15 or 20 years before it is detected. This makes it difficult for researchers to work out the initial cause. Unlike infectious diseases that show up within hours or days of being contaminated or allergic reactions that are almost instantaneous, cancer remains hidden for many years. The initial trigger may be long forgotten by the time the cancer becomes evident. Our fight against cancer must be a lifetime's commitment.

Family genes and cancer: The genes you are born with will influence your risk of getting cancer. If you come from a family where there is a known history of a particular cancer, it is important that you learn about the causes of that cancer and reduce your risks. For example, if you have a family history of bowel cancer then it is important that you look after your intestinal health by including high quality fibre in your diet. Using a Probiotic regularly to enhance your intestinal flora is also important. You should also have regular cancer checks but these will only tell you if you have the disease, not prevent it. You must focus on prevention through diet.

Mutation of normal genes and cancer: Most cancers start with mutation or change in a gene. Genes are altered by exposure to certain chemicals, radiations and viruses. Some of the most well known of the chemicals include benzene, formaldehyde, diesel exhaust and welding fumes. Most types of industrial fumes and dust are mutagens as are solvents (used in sprays, perfumes, air fresheners). Cigarette smoke is highly mutagenic. You need to be careful not to breathe in chemicals, absorb them through your skin or eat them in food. Most types of radiation cause mutation and many viruses can break chromosomes. One of the wart (Papilloma) viruses causes cancer of the cervix and is transferred from one person to another through sexual intercourse.

Why does weight matter? Damage to a gene or genes is only the start of cancer. It is promoted by anything that stimulates growth. The more extra weight you are carrying the more extra growth factors you have in your body. Every growth factor can be thought of as a cancer catalyst so a critical part of cancer prevention is keeping growth and inflammation levels down to a bare minimum. People who are overweight also carry higher amounts of toxins in their bodies so reducing weight also removes cancer-causing chemicals from the body. We all need to be lean to reduce our cancer risk and hundreds of studies have now proved the link between being overweight and having increased cancer risk.

Exercise is a great way of reducing weight and exercise probably helps protect against cancer through other mechanisms, including stimulating breathing, blood circulation and reducing stress hormone levels. But you can see that if cancer takes between 15 and 20 years to develop, these good habits of avoiding mutagens, reducing weight and exercising must start early and be maintained throughout a lifetime.

Dr Judy Ford is an internationally respected geneticist who has undertaken considerable research into the causes of cancer. Her research has shown that the risks of most cancers can be greatly reduced by changes to healthy lifestyles and healthy habits. You can find out much more about how to prevent cancer on her website

Article Source:

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Charred Meat May Up Your Risk of Pancreatic Cancer

By Kirsten Whittaker

If a fine cut of steak, cooked very well done (or just well done) and blackened sets your mouth to watering, know too that every bite of charred meat may up your risk of pancreatic cancer. This according to some new research.

When you grill, fry or barbeque meat to the point of charring, carcinogens can be formed on the surface where they wait to be taken into your body with that first bite.

This study adds to earlier work by this same University of Minnesota team that found an association between pancreatic cancer and the cancer causing compounds that form on red meat during the cooking process.

Cooking meats at very high temperatures creates compounds (heterocyclic amines, or HAs) that come from the burning of amino acids and other substances in meats when cooked to a well done or very well done state.

HAs are found in both grilled and barbecued meat as well as broiled and pan-fried meat.

Seeking to investigate this association on a larger scale, the researchers looked at meat intake, how it was cooked and the doneness preferences for 63,000 subjects who took part in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Multi-Cancer Screening Trial.

During the 9 years of follow up, 208 of the subjects were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The numbers showed that meat eaters who ate their steak (bacon, sausage or hamburger too) very well done were 60% more likely to develop this form of cancer as compared to those who ate steak either less well done, or not at all.

The team estimated carcinogen intake that took into account the doneness preference and how much of this meat the subjects consumed.

Subjects with the highest intake had a 70% higher risk of pancreatic cancer than those at the lowest level of intake.

"We cannot say with absolute certainty that the risk is increased due to carcinogens formed in burned meat," explains Kristin Anderson, associate professor at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health (1).

"However, those who enjoy either fried or barbecued meat should consider turning down the heat or cutting off burned portions when it's finished."

What the experts suggest is to cook your meat thoroughly enough to kill any bacteria, but not so long as to have the surface charred and black.

Cooking meat in water or another liquid can also prevent it from getting too hot. You might also consider cooking over indirect heat or try some of these other suggestions to enjoy the grilled flavor without the increased risk.

- Choose lean cuts of meat and trim all visible fat.

- Line your grill with foil, then poke small holes for the fat to drip off.

- Avoid letting fat drippings fall on open coals as this surrounds meat as it cooks with toxic smoke.

- Keep meat from touching open flames.

- Avoid eating any piece of meat that is especially burned or black.

- Add veggies (or even fruits) to the grill, as this neutralized the formation of HAs. Try red, yellow or green peppers, yellow squash, mushrooms, red onions or pineapple.

"The good news is this is a modifiable risk factor," Anderson concludes. "People can reduce their intake of these carcinogens by changing the way they cook their meat. We aren't saying they need to give it up." The key thing is to ensure that you're not eating charred meat.

(1) Charred meat may increase risk of pancreatic cancer]

Next just head on over to the Daily Health Bulletin for more information on the effects of eating charred meat, plus get 5 free fantastic health reports.

Article Source: Charred Meat May Up Your Risk of Pancreatic Cancer